5 keys to have more followers on Instagram

5 keys to have more followers on Instagram-

Currently, one of the most frequent concerns of brands is how to get more followers on Instagram . This is because it is one of the most popular social networks and one of the most used for product promotion.

Social networks have become a great showcase for brands. And one thing is certain: those who want to attract people's attention must have a well-defined communication strategy. For this reason, many entrepreneurs frequently wonder how to get followers on Instagram.

Due to its organic reach (that is, when the platform shows your posts without charging), it is very important to have a large number of people who follow your account. Therefore, here are 5 ways to gain followers on Instagram.

Tips to get more followers on Instagram

  1. Communicate effectively.
  2. Interact with other accounts.
  3. Invest in ads.
  4. Use different functions of the social network.
  5. Take care of the aspects of your profile.

Below I will explain more details of each point. are you coming with me? 🚀

1) Communicate effectively

The first point to keep in mind when you want to have more followers is to have consistency between your ideal client, your brand proposal and the content you generate.

It is better to have a small but relevant group of followers , than thousands and thousands of followers who are not interested in your proposal and will never buy from you.

Think of your ideal client as one of the clients you already have, one of those that you would say: “if all my clients were like this, I could work better and I would also do very well financially”.

Once you have identified him, describe him and try to understand what is in his head in order to get to him.

An important step to have more followers on Instagram is to generate content that attracts more people with these characteristics. You can ask yourself the following:

  • What could you add to give these people a product of value?
  • What could you inspire them with?
  • What things can I teach them?
  • What problems could you help them with?

2) Interact with other accounts

One of the most effective strategies to increase followers on Instagram is to detect which accounts your ideal client interacts with and start doing it too.

To find these profiles, you have to know this buyer persona very well . The search will be based on your interests, places you frequent, type of content you consume and products you consume.

Once these accounts are detected, start leaving comments, putting "I like" and also looking for all those people who have done the same as you.

You will only get his attention if you are active. You can follow him, watch his content and even interact with his favorite accounts.

Hashtags and geographical locations are of great help in answering the question of how to get more followers on Instagram as they not only increase your reach, but also allow you to segment your search towards the characteristics that your followers must have in order to be aligned with your business. 

3) Invest in ads

Not all people are willing to invest in advertising on social networks, but if you want to increase your reach and grow rapidly , this point is convenient.

You can advertise from the “Boost Instagram Post” button or from the Facebook Ads Manager.

Although the latter requires several specific knowledge about its management, it is the most powerful tool to get your ads to the target audience.

Within Instagram, there is no objective “gain followers” ​​(as there is on Facebook), but you can carry out traffic and interaction campaigns to increase the reach of your content, attract more users to your account and therefore add more followers! on your brand's Instagram!

4) Use different functions of the social network

If you are still wondering how to gain followers on Instagram , one point that you may not have taken into account is to use most of the functions of this social network.

5 keys to have more followers on Instagram- Instagram story

It is key, for example, that you use Instagram stories . Today they are super important, they have an excellent reach and also generate a lot of closeness with your potential customers .

Take advantage of different features like questions, polls, GIFs, live videos, reels , etc. Do not forget to seek interaction with your followers , inviting them to participate and send you messages.

Instagram Story Highlight Covers can help you grab the attention of your audience and drive more impressions on your content . The platform is continuously monitoring how much interaction your account generates: the more, the better.

5) Take care of the aspects of your profile

It all adds up to have more followers on Instagram . From the frequency of publications, to the profile picture. So that nothing is left in the inkwell, take into account the following:

Make your profile picture recognizable. You can, for example, use a simplified version of your logo with the necessary quality so that it can be seen perfectly on any device.

Use a keyword for the account name. This will allow your brand to be easier to find with the search engine.

Use an explanatory and attractive (bio) description. You will even be able to include a link to your online store.

5 keys to have more followers on Instagram- Instagram bio description

Harness the power of story highlights. With this option it is possible to create sections and experiment with different types of content on the main screen of your profile.

Work on image consistency in your Instagram feed . An attractive aesthetic in a social network as visual as this will help you to have more followers.


Knowing your ideal client is the key so that your efforts in advertising, content generation and interaction are well directed and you can satisfactorily answer the question of how to increase followers on Instagram .


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