Digital Marketing Strategy And Trends

Digital marketing strategy and trends

Digital marketing trends for 2024

According to the Digital 2020 report by We Are Social, there are 4 and a half billion people who use the Internet worldwide, 7% more than last year. While social media users amount to 3.8 billion.

60% of the world’s population is online and for a long time. It is estimated that in Spain, we spend an average of 5 hours and 41 minutes a day connected to the Internet.


First of all, let’s define what digital marketing is.

It is about applying marketing strategies through the Internet and social networks.

Digital marketing is essential for any online business that wants to grow on the Internet, so keeping up to date with new trends is a job that requires a daily effort to be able to boost the brand and differentiate ourselves from the competition.


We show you the trends in digital marketing that will be on the rise in the coming months:

Video marketing:

It is an online marketing tool based on adding audiovisual content to our content marketing. 60% of customer say that watching the product description on video gives them a clearer and more realistic view of it, which leads to an increase in confidence to make their purchase online.

Video marketing is the cornerstone for digital marketing in 2022, some examples of them are: explanatory videos, testimonial videos, company profile videos, advertising video or social protest video. You know what is said: if I don’t see it, I don’t believe it!

Programmatic advertising:

It allows a direct connection between the brand and the consumer, since advertisers pay for their advertising to appear only to their target audience, “buying” people instead of advertising space.

To obtain information about their target, they follow a process of collecting segmented data through the cookies generated when browsing in other media. Data that is stored and that will allow to predict the behavior of the users, in addition to variables such as their interests, tastes, preferred time to navigate and if they connect from the computer or another electronic device

Shopping on social networks:

We not only consult social networks for our circle (and not so circle) or to find out the latest news, if not more and more, the networks are becoming a portal for new collections of products at our disposal .

With the arrival of Instagram Shopping, Facebook Marketplace an WhatsApp Business, we are one click away from any product, and all without having to enter the brand’s website to search for it.

Conversational Commerce:

People share messages and voice recordings with our friends and family and, almost instantly, we receive a response. Brands know that less and less, we are willing to wait for a response and, therefore, have created a system of direct communication between the business and its customers through instant digital messages.

We not only talk about emerging advantages that raise questions such as “Do you need more information about …” or “Contact our team of professionals if you have any questions”, but also that, for example, smart speakers such as Alexa, Google Assistant or Siri also know what we want and are able to answer (although not always correctly) our questions.

Augmented reality on the web:

If we have learned anything from the pandemic, it is undoubtedly to maintain a safe distance. Now it is the brands that must also know how to adapt to this new reality, so some of the trends that will grow in the next year will be those that do not require physical contact between the brand and the consumer.

Augmented reality uses digital technology to superimpose information in photo, video or text format on everyday objects. They are among the most functional since they reduce lag time and create an immersive experience for the user.

Now we can know how that sofa will look in our living room or what shade of red is best applied tour lips.

There is no doubt that 2022 will be a year in which companies must adapt to new changes if they want to increase efficiency and penetrate the minds of their customers.


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