Top 10 benefits of digital marketing

Top 10 benefits of digital marketing

As you already know, today implementing a digital marketing strategy is vital for any business or company. Now we tell you the main benefits. Very helpful!

What are the main benefits of digital marketing?

1. It is very profitable

Using digital marketing techniques to promote your company, investment costs are significantly minimized, implying significant savings that can even be allocated as part of the benefits for your workers, that is, with less investment it is possible to obtain better and greater results. .

2. Convert

One of the purposes of digital marketing is to increase the chances of converting visitors into leads, subscriptions or even sales, that is, being found on the web by interested visitors. To do this, you have to focus on improving search engine positioning, developing a social media strategy and designing email marketing actions , among many others. The simple fact of building your own audience through interaction with your public allows you to humanize your brand, and increase your conversion rates on your existing traffic.

3.Create direct contact with the audience

 The technological age allows a personalized experience, direct and effective treatment becomes greater engagement and therefore greater customer satisfaction. Similarly, customers have greater power and tools to promote or discredit the brand, so it is essential to offer a better service every day.

4. It allows to position the brand

 The interest you show regarding the opinions and ratings of your company will make a difference. Users trust the opinion of other users enormously, so taking great care in the attention and feedback in the different communication channels will improve the recognition of your brand and the reputation of your company.

5. Loyalty to customers

 Interacting with your customers on a regular basis is a show of good faith for other customers. If you also share content that your audience likes, you are more likely to transform consumers into brand loyalists. It will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competition and give added value to your brand.

6. Allows you to publish valuable content

 The fact of educating over selling sets the tone and generates a positive experience that attracts the attention of your customers by stimulating topics of interest and related to your company and field of action.

7. Improve SEO 

 The new changes in the Google algorithm have caused its search engine to give more importance to the content of the pages to position them in its ranking. Therefore, it is very important that a web portal is constantly updated with new content.

8. Progressive earnings. 

While in traditional marketing you invest in campaigns that promote your brand for a certain period of time, in digital marketing the strategies focus on long-term results, looking for a staggered result. In this way, by creating your online presence and dedicating your marketing efforts to building a strong and consistent digital authority, you make your brand more and more visible to the public. You do not need to depend on temporary promotion, your brand will always be visible and progressively attracting new customers.

9. Segmentation capacity

The information given by users on the internet (such as social networks and forms) allows digital campaigns to be much more precise. In digital marketing, you can segment your strategies based on gender, age, location, interests, habits, and much more. This level of accuracy makes it possible to create actions aimed at buyer personas.

10. It is measurable

 There is a lot of data that we can obtain and measure in real time, since digital marketing measurement tools offer simple and complex statistics that allow us to know the evolution of the strategy and manage it based on the results. Important digital marketing metrics are:

-ROI (return on investment)

 ROI is the indicator that lets you know how much money the company is spending with each investment made. With it you get to know what was the return generated with a certain action or with the entire strategy.

-CAC (customer acquisition cost)

 The CAC metric makes it possible to know how much it has cost for the company to win over a new client. To measure it correctly, all costs must be considered, adding all expenses with marketing and sales during a certain period and comparing with the number of clients that arose in the company in that same time.

-Average ticket

The average ticket is the average transaction value that a consumer spends when purchasing a product or service. To calculate it, take the total value of each of the transactions made in a specific period of time (which can be day, week, month, depending on your business) and divide the result by the total number of transactions you have had during the period. same period.


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