Forsage Online Earning - How to INVEST YOUR MONEY with FORSAGE -

Forsage-Online Earning

What is FORSAGE?

Forsage is a closed system, with no deadlines for your referrals' Slots, with a limited number of places and an unlimited number of re-investments. The referral link is fixed to the person who invited you. You always follow your superior partner, to each of the slots he activated.

It is a decentralized system that offers us the technology of a smart contract hosted directly on the Ethereum blockchain, thus eliminating the human factor completely and the possibility of stopping this project and losing our Ethereum Investment and our profits.

Being an open Smart contract gives us total transparency since all the movements that are made within the contract are totally public and auditable by anyone in addition to being directly associated with the Ethereum blockchain and this cannot be changed or altered by any person there is no human intervention in these processes all movements are made from Wallet to Wallet.

Knowing this we can ensure that this SYSTEM IS SAFE and totally reliable to Earn Money . You can watch this video where I am going to explain in much more detail and in a very graphic way what FORSAGE  is about, how it works and how we can earn thousands and thousands of dollars. with this great system.


FORSAGE offers us two programs that work simultaneously and gives us much more benefits when it comes to earning with the system. I will explain each of them and how you can earn money infinitely. You will see all the potential that this System offers us. Investment.


What is Forsage online earning 

In the  Forsage x3 program you will see below you that there are three places on a line. In the Forsage x4 program, it has two lines, the first with 2 places and 4 places in the second. When they first log into FORSAGE, open both programs simultaneously.

Forsage-Online Earning



No SLOT expiration date.

Unlimited automatic rollovers.


Forsage-Online Earning

In each of these two programs,  Forsage x3  and  Forsage x4 They have 12 slots and work the same way.

Each subsequent slot is 2 times more expensive than the previous one. Both income and profit from them are doubled!

You can activate all twelve slots at once or buy them one by one. As many as you like!

They have no expiration date. All assets move and bring you income in parallel.


Registration in Forsage must be done with a single payment of 0.05 ETH.  You must have an associated wallet that supports Ether to receive all payments. You can watch this video where I will explain the entire registration process step by step. It is important that you follow all the steps. of the tutorial so that you do not have any problem when registering.


The first space of each program costs  0.025 ETH. They work together. Consequently, to start with the system you must generally invest 0.05 ETH to start at the first level of each program.  You can purchase all additional slots separately, in order from smallest to largest. It is impossible to buy a third slot without having a second open.

Forsage-Online Earning

As you can see when entering the system we start with the first level of the Forsage x3 and Forsage x4 programs but then I will explain how each of them works and how we can Earn Money with these systems. 


Forsage-Online Earning

The Forsage x3 program works directly with our direct referrals as you can see in the image above the purple box is our sponsor or the person who invited us to the Forsage system we are the blue box and the 3 round Slots would be our direct referrals .

With which the first two blue referrals made the purchase of 0.025 Eth to obtain the Forsage x3 program, that payment goes directly to our Ether wallet adding the two we would obtain 0.05 Eth in total.

Unlike the third referral of pink color that the payment will be deposited directly to our sponsor and the cycle will be restarted to add three more referrals in this way you will earn unlimited.



Forsage-Online Earning

The Forsage x4 program works differently here you can get profit from your direct referrals or by overflow of people who are above you and have more time than you in the system working, just like the x3 program our sponsor is represented in color purple and we are blue.

In this case we only have 2 referral spaces below us and each guest has to invite two more referrals.

With which the earnings of the first two purple referrals will go directly to our sponsor's wallet, the three blue referrals the earnings go to our wallet and as in the previous one the last pink referral the profit goes to our sponsor and a shekel is unlocked to restart the spaces and be able to invite more referrals, whether direct or by overflow.


UPGRADE: It is the opening (purchase) of the next slot of a next level. Payment goes to your higher partner, as long as you have a space of this level.

There is enough revenue from each slot to roll over to buy a slot at the next level.

You decide whether to buy the next level! It is important to update because if you have many referrals and you have not purchased the space for your referrals all payments will be redirected to a higher partner.


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