How To Improve Website Performance

good website characteristics

How To Improve Website Performance

Today we will tell you 5 characteristics of a good website must have so that it remains in the first places of search.

Nowadays it is not enough to create a website, many companies forget one of the most important parts: dedication and investment of time to update it , since changes in algorithms are the order of the day and who does not comply with the new standards of the main web platforms is out of the game.

  • Helpful and easy to understand content

void very technical content, offer a simple to understand language, he is not an expert in your field so he will leave your website easily. If you have a specialized concept, add its meaning so you can kill two birds with one stone: educate the user and offer valuable information.

  • Make sure your website loads fast

Make sure your website loads fast If a website is slow to load, it will also cause the user to abandon it, since they will lose interest in the content. The reasons a website takes time to load is here:

Very large size images : 

it is recommended a range less than 100 kb (this can be consulted in the properties of your image, right click and at the bottom click on the Properties option ).

Take care of the files in PDF format :

it is advisable to compress them to the smallest possible size, there is no minimum since it depends on the size of the file. Take care of the quality of the document.

Avoid large size videos :

make sure they are as light as possible, taking care of the audio and image quality.

  • Attractive design

It is one of the most important points for your website, since the design is a reflection of the image of your company. Take care that the colors applied are correct and that they reflect the essence of your company. In addition, the typography is very important since it must be legible. Remember: "A good design generates confidence, seriousness and a very good impression."

  • Visible contact information

It is very important that your means of contact are always in view of the user, it is recommended that they appear at the top and bottom of the page. If you changed your number, email or social networks immediately make the change to your website.

  • Adaptable to all mobile devices

In the new digital age, users perform their searches using a mobile phone or tablet, so it is very important that websites adapt to the size and orientation of the screen in an instant. This is called responsive website or responsive design in English.

Other Characteristics of a good website.

Full site width:

Gone are sites that use a large margin to sort all content. The width of the entire site will allow us to include useful information in a space specially designed for that, as well as being able to insert video and photographs in higher quality elongated formats.


Large fonts take center stage in good web designs. We can use this method to communicate a main message, accompanied by an image or video based on a context. The lettering or handwritten text, although we do not deal with it in the examples, has also become a resource that creates closeness with consumers. Try, yes, that it is legible.

Striking Colors :

Strong colors are eye-catching from the start and a great opportunity to attract customers. Always keep in mind that not all strong colors are suitable for any business. The correct use of the color palette in your business can create a good memory in consumers.

Use of videos: 

the visual contribution that this tool provides can be very useful if our background video becomes an interesting complementary element that communicates a message instead of a distraction that interferes with navigation.

Modular and animations: 

Asymmetric structures benefit the user experience by displaying information in order for better reading. In relation to the animations that can be added to each frame, it will turn each user’s visit into an entertaining and didactic experience. Allowing us to increase the browsing time of each user.

OnPage Design:

If all the sites we visit have in common, it is that each web design uses the OnPage as a resource. This refers to the fact that we can access the information by scrolling in a single landing. Keep in mind that this method will not work for all types of businesses, we must consider that to use these designs the information and content to be incorporated should not be excessive. But if it is suitable for use, you can use all the benefits that this type of design considers, such as telling stories keeping the attention of users and optimizing the loading time since they are sites that load faster.

Responsive Design:

if our website is not optimized to be occupied from any mobile device, it will be considered practically obsolete, since the largest number of clicks made on the site are from the mobile devices that we use daily.


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