Top 7 Free Cloud Storage -20 GB Free Storage

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage

Many times we hear about the cloud, and of course the famous cloud storage. But many of us do not know what this type of storage that is so popular is, what it is used for or what benefits it has.

In today's article we will explore just that, the concept of cloud storage, learn what it is, what it is for, how it works, advantages, disadvantages, and a comparison with traditional data storage.

So if you are interested in immersing yourself in emerging technologies and others that have been established for a long time but are still a reference in the cloud industry today, read on.

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage, also known as Cloud Storage, is a concept that derives from cloud computing, where a user can hire a remote space cloud computing provider to store their files and data in general.

It is usually offered as a remote service, and not local, which has a certain capacity and prices. This type of cloud computing offers serious advantages since, among other things, it allows companies to have a way to host data without having to spend on data storage equipment (hard drives or SSD drives) locally

Cloud storage offers agility, durability, scalability, low cost, and remote access from anywhere, 24 hours a day.


Cloud storage features

Let us now see what are the characteristics of cloud storage that have made it so popular in recent years.

Easy to use

Nothing is easier than drag and drop, and that's what cloud disk space brings us. Thanks to services like Google Drive or Dropbox, storing documents, movies, files or music is easier than ever. You just have to move the items to the Dropbox or Google Drive folder, and everything is automatically copied to the cloud.

Sharing is easy

These types of cloud storage services allow you to share files with colleagues, friends and family quickly. Invitations can be sent and permissions enabled so that only certain people can access them, making it not only easy, but also secure.

Encrypted information

All connections to most cloud storage services are encrypted thanks to the use of different security algorithms such as SSL/TLS certificates that can encrypt point-to-point connections (client to server) .


Online edition

Cloud storage allows documents to be edited online. A classic example of this is the Google Docs services that allow you to edit documents and automatically save them to Google Drive.

Multi platformo:p>

They are services that are characterized by working on any platform (Windows, Linux and MacOS). And if any native application does not work directly, the browser can be used as the main browser for the files and directories that we have hosted there. In addition, they also work on mobile platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows Phone.


Large storage capacity

Cloud storage services offer anywhere from 1GB to 30GB of free storage. And if you need more space for very little monthly money, you can access 100GB up to several TB of virtual disk in the computing cloud to upload everything you need.


Advantages and Disadvantages of cloud storage

Let's find out now Advantages and disadvantages.


·         Ease of use and to share data with teams, friends and family.

·         They are integrated into business suites with other productivity applications.

·         They are mostly free, although they have limits on their capabilities.

·         t does not require installing any software on the client (computers).

·         It is managed and updated automatically, without our intervention.

·         Documents are automatically saved after any modification.

·         It allows you to choose with whom to share the data, thus improving security.


·         Always requires active Internet access.

·         There are storage limits, after reaching it you will have to pay for sure or delete content.

·         Every so often they modify their interfaces, which can confuse users who are not very technological.

·         By depending on servers (especially in the web hosting industry), they often suffer from attacks or security problems, making them unavailable.

·         They can potentially cause data loss if web or storage servers are compromised.

How does cloud storage work?

The basic concept of the cloud is that it works on the Internet. With that as a premise, we can logically assume that cloud storage works by storing your data on servers located on the Internet.

These servers work in cluster or farm mode, creating backup/mirror copies of all your information, and thus making the dispatch of your data not only safer and faster, but also safer because it is not stored in a single place.  

When uploading data to Google Docs, Google Stylesheet or uploading a video to Facebook or Mega, you are uploading data to the Internet. The data passes from your computer to the Internet, where it is ready to be used by different online services, or shared with different people who can access that information from anywhere in the world.

Cloud storage providers make sue that those servers and the entire network infrastructure are available at all times, as well as that they have the necessary security measures to prevent you from losing that data.


Benefits of saving files in the cloud

Data storage in the cloud brought with it many benefits for both users and companies and corporations that began to adopt it. Let's see what they are now.

nline Modifications

As we mentioned before, you do not need to have any software installed to be able to modify documents online, now cloud storage providers allow you to do it online directly from the browser, without the need to install anything like in the old days where you needed Microsoft Office to do anything or similar suites.

Auto save

Automatic saving is another great benefit of working with cloud data storage. Before, if you were preparing a report, you always needed to remember every few minutes to press the save button, otherwise your document would not have the changes applied. That no longer happens with online office suites like Google Docs or Office 365, as they save everything automatically so you don't lose anything

Multiple formats

In the past decade you needed a program to open certain files on your computer, and if you had a slightly different format you already needed to install another program. It was something crazy. Today cloud storage and office suites take care of everything. Not only do they allow you to upload any type of file, but they also convert it if necessary and allow you to work with it without any restrictions.

Sharing is easy

When you work with teams online and remotely, having shared documents becomes an imperative need. That is where one of the great benefits of cloud storage arises, it allows easy, fast and secure sharing. You can choose with whom to share the files, and assign the privileges you want (reading or modifying those files).

Helps reduce costs

In the past decades, large companies spent tens of thousands of dollars on licenses to be able to work with certain file formats such as .doc .xls .ppt, etc. Today, thanks to initiatives such as Google Suite, you can work with style sheets, documents, forms, presentations, flow charts, digital whiteboards and much more in an integrated way, and the best: free!


Quick implementation

Getting started with these cloud storage services is quick and easy. The space in the cloud is there, you just need an email address, a password and that's it. In a matter of seconds, you can access a complete range of applications that allow you to save your information online.

Centralized management

Having a single place to store, modify and delete information makes everything faster. The management of documents, emails and fies in general becomes super fast thanks to theintegration and teamwork tools. This is one of the biggest benefits of cloud space.

Differences between cloud and hard drive storage

What are the main differences between cloud storage vs traditional hard drive storage? Let's see more on that topic now.



The difference between cloud storage and storage on traditional hard drives is very obvious: when you host data on your hard drive, you are doing it on a single physical medium. While when you do it in the cloud your files are multiplied and stored on many disks connected to each other.

n case of a crash of your local disk, you run out of data, you lose everything. While being stored in the cloud, when there is a failure in one storage unit, the others take over and continue to dispatch the information (your data), this means that they are always available.

 In that sense of data availability, it is much safer to work with the cloud than with a traditional disk.


In terms of speed, the cloud has to lose, because to be able to work with that data you need to download it to your PC first, and with each modification the changes must be uploaded to the Internet. So if you don't want to wait a couple of seconds (in the case of Drive, Dropbox, and similar services) from your PC for the changes to be transmitted to the Internet, the ideal would be to use a hard drive.

The write and read speed of SSDs today is amazing, and you can do any operation involving light or eavy data in a matter of thousandths of a second.



In terms of security, cloud storage is prone to external attacks on its servers. But thanks to protection mechanisms such as two-step authentication, it is much safer to protect yourself from hackers who want to compromise access to your files in the cloud.

In this aspect, if you work on a local hard drive, you may have a little more advantage, although if you do not protect your operating system well, use antivirus, antimalware and keep it clean, someone can also hack your PC and lose all your data.

In this sense it is a tie, in both you can suffer security problems.



When we talk about collaboration tools, the cloud has everything to win. With cloud storage you are more productive, you can work as a team without having to transport files with a flash drive or send them by email. While if you work on your hard drive you run the risk of taking a long time to share files with your colleagues or friends quickly.


Types of cloud storage

What kinds of cloud storage are there? We will try to answer this question by showing you the different types of cloud storage that are used today:

file storage

This type of cloud storage specializes in providing access for shared and collaborative work environments for teams in companies.

These are cloud servers connected to NAS network storage devices, other popular solutions may be Amazon's EFS (Elastic File System), where it is often used to store large files such as movies, DVDs, Blu-rays, large programs weight, and other similar files.

Object storage

It is usually used to host small to medium files, it is widely used in conjunction with virtual machines or containers, as it allows real-time scalability of disk space, as well as total flexibility when increasing or decreasing its capacity.

Another use that is given to this type of storage is the backup of servers, websites or databases. Examples of object storage can be Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.


Block storage

This is one of the most used types of cloud storage in business environments. It is characterized by maximizing performance and availability to the maximum, offering storage environments with very low latency, high IOP rates, something that ensures almost instantaneous dispatch of information, ideal for applications that require immediate response.

An example of this type of service might be IBM Block Storage or Azure Blob Storage Block.


Cloud Storage Usage Examples

We are going to see several examples of cloud storage, that is, the scenarios where it becomes a useful tool for companies.


Data backup and recovery

Always make a backup, it is one of the most important premises in the world of computing. This becomes even more important when we work with data. Always having a defined backup structure and configuration will make you sleep more peacefully at night.

In turn, knowing the data recovery plan in case it fails will save you not only headaches, it will also prevent data loss and of course, money loss as well. Today there are numerous ways to back up to the cloud automatically.

You will be able to organize your backup copies in files or file warehouses to retain data in accordance with the normal and legal requirements of your different countries, or as part of the contract and services that you provide to your clients.

This type of cloud backup services are not only used by banking and financial entities, but also by health services, the media, educational institutions, and also by computer companies, accounting firms, and any SME.

Software development environments

Having a place where you can create, modify and destroy virtual machines (VM), as well as having an elastic cloud disk storage allows you to store large amounts of data that are often necessary in software development tests.

If you need to create, delete or duplicate volumes of data, the ideal is to start working with cloud storage, which guarantees speed, avoids migrations between hosts and, above all, maintains a relatively low cost compared to traditional servers.

Whether you need to create a simple website, or a complicated application for your mobile or the web, developing on cloud storage offers great advantages.


Scalability and high availability

One of the things that is most sought after among companies today is to ensure constant and smooth data growth. Therefore, having a company that offers cloud storage and that is scalable is critical.

Another reason why these services began to be used has been the high availability provided by these cloud environments, it is especially useful when those who use it are businesses or virtual enterprises with users who consult the data 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. weekdays.

Company that Provide free Cloud Storage.


Free File Storage



20 GB


2 GB


15 GB


10 GB

 Media fire

10 GB


10 GB


5 GB


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