What is Freelancer and how to use it to find employment online?


What is Freelancer and how to use it to find employment online?

Freelancer is one of the best-known platforms to find online employment from anywhere in the world, or if you prefer, to work from home. If you are looking for this type of opportunity to work remotely, then we have prepared this magnificent guide on how to use Freelancer so that you can find employment online by accessing dozens of job opportunities from anywhere in the world.

What is Freelancer

Freelancer is an online employment platform that works as an intermediary between professionals and companies from all over the world. You can find professionals who work remotely and who offer services in different areas as well as find employment to work in companies offering your services. It basically professionals and companies connects to establish an effective collaboration.

What kind of jobs can be done in Freelance

Freelancer has an extensive list of categories, among which multiple types and areas of professional services stand out.

Among the most popular and requested services we can find:

Creation of webpages

App and software development

Content Writing


Graphic design

architecture works

Data entry and administration

Sales and Marketing

customer services

Consulting services

How to get a job online with Freelancer

First of all, it will be to create a profile on the platform .

Once created, you can add your list of professional skills to later find projects that require those skills to be executed.

To find suitable projects for your professional profile, you must follow these steps:

Click on the section of the upper menu that you will find under the name “Work” and you will see that a menu is displayed in which you must select the “Explore projects” option .

You will see that you will automatically go to a screen where all the projects that fit the professional skills of your profile are displayed. 

Suppose you are interested in working as an SEO copywriter and you see an ideal offer for you, so the main thing would be to click to know each and every one of the details and requirements . You will be able to view the budget available to your potential employer to evaluate what the cost of your service will be based on that range, in addition to knowing the time you have to send your proposal. Here you can see an example.

You will also be able to visualize your “competition”, that is, who are the other freelancers who have sent proposals to this job in order to have an idea of ​​what you can offer as added value.

Now yes! The time has come to go into your proposal and define what you plan to offer the client , that is, what is your offer, how long will it take to deliver project. Be creative! Remember that many people want to get the position.

Tips to get more projects on Freelancer

Here are some tips so you can access more projects on this platform.

Create an attractive profile

Once you have registered, it is time to add added value to your profile , that is, place a professional photo , a striking description where you briefly highlight the best of your experience and skills.

Keep in mind that this step is about creating credibility through your proposal and giving the impression that as a professional, you have a good reputation in your history and there is a certain power of conviction in your words when it comes to writing who you are in a way that makes you feel better. different from other professionals.

Freelancer will put at your disposal several tools that will increase the attractiveness of your profile, for example, you will be able to verify your contact information such as email and telephone number, your payment method and even, for a cost of $5, you will be able to certify your skills before your potential customers.

Transmits confidence

Having an attractive profile is very important, but if you plan to earn money working remotely , you must contribute something more. An image is worth a thousand words , and in this case, your image is the references of your work, the demonstrable experience and your ability to create good expectations.

Study the competition

Generally, on platforms of this type you cannot explore the competition. However, as we mentioned in previous points, in Freelancer you can see who are the other people who are sending proposals to that opportunity that interests you so much.

Check the profiles in detail, see what you are offering and try to provide an improved version of this.

Frequent questions

Below we answer some of the most frequently asked questions for using the Freelancer platform.

How much does it cost to be on Freelancer?

Signing up and starting to send applications is totally free.

There are no membership fees or subscription fees to pay. Freelancer will keep a percentage of your income according to the cost of your services for acting as an intermediary.

How much can I earn?

At Freelancer you have the right to charge whatever you want in relation to your services as long as they remain within the range established by the client.

Although it is possible to agree on higher prices, at the time of submitting your application, you have a better chance of being selected if you stay within the prices proposed by the client.

How does Freelancer pay?

Freelancer is a platform that you can pay through PayPal, Payoneer or through a bank transfer.


Freelancer is presented as another of the platforms to find remote employment opportunities that you can do from home or from anywhere in the world offering your services.

Obviously, unless you are very lucky, you will not generate income from the first day, however, knowing these pages and being active on them will open you up to a greater number of possibilities of accessing remote employment.

If you want to know more freelance opportunities, here you can access the  best websites and tips to work as a freelance  from home or from anywhere in the world.


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