How to Appear On Google search on Top

How to Appear On Googlel

How to appear on Google

 If you are wondering how to position a web page quickly and in a very short time, without a doubt SEM (Search Engine Marketing)is your option.

Run an advertising campaign with Google Ad

Although we have already talked before about how to advertise in Google Ads, here is a step-by-step guide on how to make an ad in this tool:

Create your Google Ads account.

Select the keywords in which you will invest.

Create an advertising campaign and generate the ads to publish.

Configure your campaign, as well as the objectives to be achieved (clicks, leads , impressions, etc.).

Post your ads and optimize on the go.

How to appear on Google for free

If what you want is to appear in Google for free, what we have to do is optimize your website, so that all actions help your page and the user to find what they are looking for more easily. Now I will give you a series of actions that you can put into practice to position a free web page.

Choose your keywords carefully

Before all this, perhaps it is worth explaining what I mean by keywords.

What is a keyword?

In SEO, keyword (or keyword ) is understood as the term composed of one or more words used by the user in search engines to obtain answers and solve their problems. They are used to optimize a site or a web page in order to position itself at the top of Google results.

A keyword is understood as both a single word and a phrase. That is, if we search Google for "shoes" or "navy blue children's clown shoes" both expressions are keywords, the only thing that varies is the search intention reflected in both terms and the specificity of the results that I want Google to give me. show when searching for either of the two examples above.

Therefore, carefully choosing the keywords that we include in our web page becomes a relevant action to position our website.

How to choose the keywords for my web page?

Select a primary keyword and a group of secondary keywords.

Identify how your target user searches and what terms they use to reach your website.

Find out what search volume the keywords have and which ones can bring you the most organic traffic.

Look at the words that your competition uses and find the area of ​​​​opportunity for your business.

Choose those keywords that offer you the highest search volume and the lowest positioning complexity.

Imagine keywords as the minimum unit of expression to which your web page is associated. If you choose the right terms, you can get a lot of visibility and add value to the users who come to your site. 

Mistakes when choosing a keyword for your website

Choose keywords that are unrelated to the content of your website.

Work based on terms with low search volume.

Select keywords that are not used by the users you want to reach.

Choose very general keywords or with a lot of competition.

Work with many keywords on a single web page.

Write unique titles and meta tags for each page.

Surely you are wondering what is a meta tag? Now I answer you.

What is a meta tag?

A meta tag is an HTML text (a tag to tell the truth) that is incorporated into the header of a website and although they may be invisible to the visitor, in the code they can describe the content of a website as well as transmit structured data quite precisely.

Also called meta tags, meta elements, or metatags, meta tags can factor into the number of hits from search engine results. That is why they are so important to have on every important page of your site.

What are the main meta tags on a web page?

Meta title (or SEO title)

Meta description (or what the page is about)

Although not visible on your website as such, meta tags can be part of your online store summary, right on the search engine results page. Take a look at the image below, what the meta description and meta title of this Google blog look like.

That is why a good meta tag can help you capture the attention of users, distinguish yourself from the competition, make a good impression or even persuade others that your website is worth visiting. In addition to the clear importance for SEO.

How to optimize meta tags to appear in Google?

Include your main keyword in the meta title and meta description.

Make them short and concise. The recommended length for meta titles is 55 characters and 145 for meta descriptions.

Avoid very generic texts or meaningless repetitions of keywords. Take your time to do it consciously and make sense of it.

Don't copy and paste a short paragraph of content that already exists. Remember that this is another space to add value to your website.

Write them in a persuasive and creative way. These texts will possibly be seen by the user from the search results page. 

Do not miss it:

Create friendly URLs

What is the address of your website? How are the links of your website? Are they clear and understandable or are they full of random numbers and characters? You should know that just like the content on your site, Google reads and understands each of the URLs associated with a web page. That is why it is important that you use them to indicate what that web page is about.


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