Learn About SEO (Search Engine Optimization) And SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

SEO Search engine optimization

For all e-commerce, knowing how to appear on Google is relevant, since it is one of the main ways in which we can attract potential customers and take them to our online store. Although for many this may seem like the best kept secret on the internet, positioning a web page is not difficult if you think about your user, what they need, how they search on the internet and how our site responds to their needs.

 In this article I will tell you about what  SEO and SEM is, what it is for and how it can help us appear in Google. . Let's get started!

What is SEO?

SEO is known as the set of actions, techniques and strategies used to optimize a web page so that search engines such as Google, Bing and even YouTube can read and identify the content more efficiently.

In itself, SEO as a term is something relatively 'new' since it was first mentioned in 1997, in the book “Net Results” , written by Bob Heyman, Leland Harden and Rick Bruner. However, there are already many courses, programs and even certifications to specialize in this subject.

When doing SEO optimization for search engines, it is necessary to understand what are the keys for Google to recognize your content and classify it as a relevant and interesting piece for the user. Hence, the optimization is not based on something for the Google robot and algorithms, but is focused on what the user wants, needs and is looking for, whether it is solving a doubt, a problem, making a query or making a request. purchase.

What does SEO mean?

SEO is the acronym for the English term “Search Engine Optimization” or as it would be called in Spanish “Optimization for Search Engines”

What is SEO for?

SEO for many things! And I am not telling you this because it is something that I am passionate about, but in my experience creating content, learning about SEO and applying it to any piece that one produces for the digital ecosystem, SEO becomes the best sign on the road of this highway. Internet call.

SEO is used to:

Increase the number of visits (or organic traffic) to your website.

Improve your sales and your conversion rate without having to invest in advertising.

Increase the visibility of your site in search engines.

Make it easier for your customers to find you in any search engine.

Gain authority in the market and become the benchmark in the sector in which you are located or in which your brand is located.

Reduce the cost of acquiring your customers and those interested in your content.

How does SEO work?

Now that you know what SEO is, let me explain how it works. It is not something impossible to understand or that requires very technical knowledge to be able to apply it. SEO itself works by explaining to search engines what your website is about and what it is for.

SEO works like this:

You create a web page based on a keyword.

You generate content on that web page that responds in an easy, concrete and simple way to what the potential user is looking for.

You make sure that the web page gives the visitor a good experience, making it understandable, with a good loading speed, with quality images but not heavy, friendly with mobile devices, referencing other important sites, among other factors.

You tell Google that this page exists, what it is about and what category it is in.

You allow Google robots to visit your site, evaluate it, index it, and rank it so that when the user searches for the keyword you built your site on, it appears in search results.

You optimize your site to appear each time in a better position in the search results.

Let's do an example to make this clearer. Suppose that on your website you sell personalized t-shirts and your brand is called "T-shirts for everyone". When creating your website, some of the most relevant keywords are your brand name and your main product “custom t-shirts”. Hence, when creating your site, create content using both terms, so that users who are looking for your brand or your flagship product find your website. This is in a nutshell how SEO works.

What is SEM?

SEM search engine marketing

Although they are two terms that are seen very often, it is important not to confuse SEO (search engine optimization)with SEM (search engine marketing). Although we have seen that SEO is the whole set of actions to optimize a site and appear in Google "free" or organically, SEM is something completely different.

It is known as SEM to the set of actions, techniques or strategies that have the purpose of positioning a website in search engines through a direct investment of money. Through the well-known “Google Ads” or those results identified with the “Advertising” label, it is how sites can appear in Google quickly and easily in exchange for a certain fixed amount per day, per click or per impressions.

What does SEM mean?

SEM is the acronym for the term in English “Search Engine Marketing” or as it would be called in Spanish “Marketing for Search Engines”

What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

important differences between SEM and SE0 are:

investment of money.

The time to see results.

With SEM you can have results quickly and in the short term, however they are results that will last as long as the money you spend on this advertising lasts. With SEO, the results are not necessarily immediate, since they require more time to be effective, but in the long term they end up returning the investment of time that you have allocated, in addition to the fact that you do not need to pay an additional amount to do so.

Digital marketing experts do not consider that both elements are at odds, but rather that one helps the other, enhancing the results that a website, web page, blog or online store can have from effectively combining both strategies.


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